- The current daily rates -
(from 01.01.2025)

1 coin   
=  599,- DKK
1 coin (PA status)*   
=  599,- DKK
1 coin (Booking Service)   
=  599,- DKK
* A member unlocks your entry (AP-Status)

Regler for begrænsning:
If the value of the service consumption according to the daily tariff exceeds the amount of the membership fee, only the membership fee paid will be charged.

Example 1:
Your AP entry is activated 1 time
→ 1 x 599,- DKK = 599,- DKK

Example 2:
Your AP entry is activated 4 times
→ 4 x 599,- DKK = 2396,- DKK*
* If the value of the service consumption according to the daily tariff exceeds the amount of the membership fee, only the membership fee paid will be charged.
Note for members who have paid via PayPal :
If you open a conflict case with PayPal, a PayPal conflict fee of 14,- Euro may apply. The repayment amount will be reduced by this amount accordingly. Therefore, only use our automated process for a refund.